This is the year penguins will fly.

Posts tagged “strategy game

I’ve been a little busy…

Sorry for my terrible blogging, this last week has been a little hectic to say the least.

We all love a little Risk

We all love a little Risk

Last weekend we visited some of Ash’s friends and had a nerdy weekend away in the midlands.

We ate chinese take away and played Lord of the Rings Risk into the early hours of the morning and generally had lots of fun.

Yellows defending their territory.

Yellows defending their territory.

We have also been rearranging our flat as we’ve just bought a new desk for the grand price of 99p! We decided there wasn’t enough room for the both of us on one desk and that, even though it would be a squeeze, we could just about fit another desk in. Ash found a desk on ebay which is very similar to the desk we already have, just without the bookcase attached to the end. He bid on it and ended up being the only bidder! Lucky us!

So much room!

So much room!

We picked it up yesterday and tried to figure out how to fit it in. We’ve finally settled on moving our desks in front of the window and next to our bed. This makes that side of the room very cramped, but the side with a tv is now lovely and spacious, perfect for playing my kinect! 😀

We haven’t quite finished setting everything up (we have far too much stuff accumulated for such a small flat! It’s ridiculous), but when we have it’s should be small but far easier for us both to get on with our own things. Finally I’ll have lots of room to sew!

I moustache you a question.

I moustache you a question.

I’ve also been on a few nights out, one with work, another with my sister with lots of movember madness and a quiet drunken pub night with Ash. All we’re very fun and left me feeling a little worse for ware the next day.

Work drinks are always fun.

Work drinks are always fun.

I do have lots of fun posts planned for future, including a make-up tutorial, some tips for your CV and many more helpful things! I just need to get round to writing them…

Until next time!

Make-up tutorial teaser!

Make-up tutorial teaser!